
:fries: Universal ReactJS boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Full-stack universal React boilerplate web app built using ReactJS, Redux and GraphQL 👻


Getting started

⛔️ 📛 🚫 IMPORTANT run yarn build or npm run build at the start of each project

Running Server

yarn && yarn dev

or using NPM

npm install && npm run dev


Rename /config/app-template.js to /config/app.js

  • ROOT_API GraphQL root URL (does not require changing from default)
  • REDIS_PREFIX Prefix for redis keys to avoid key clashes during development (required in production unless you disable redis via ENV variables)
  • trackingID Google Analytics tracking ID, replace with 'UA-########-#'

Redis Setup (optional)

  • Redis runs by default in production, this can be changed in /env.js
  • Redis can be ran whilst in development by running npm run dev:redis or yarn dev:redis
  • Redis cache can be cleared by hitting ${baseURL}/api/flushredis in your browser

Install Redis (optional):

brew install redis

(you can also manually install, but if you don't have brew it's rather useful!)

Open a new terminal and run

redis-server /usr/local/etc/redis.conf

make sure to keep this terminal open as it's not running as a daemon. To see more ways of launching redis, check this blog post out.


Component and container level based styles exist in /app/components/*/*.scss & app/containers/*/*.scss and are imported at the top of each JSX file (beneath absolute and relative module/component imports):

// Header.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { Logo } from './Logo';
import './Header.scss';

Global SASS partials (variables, typography, grid settings etc) are contained within /app/sass/ and are split between two folders:


For storing Sass mixins, variables and functions across the project.


For styles and classes used throughout the project, such as our CSS reset, typography rules, etc. Imported in App container (/app/containers/App.jsx) - file imports need be relative to here.


All data from WP-API is consumed in GraphQL with the help of Graph.ql (https://github.com/matthewmueller/graph.ql), which returns a smaller, more succinct response using Express. The purpose is to reduce the amount of JSON contained within the initial state that gets supplied to the document by the server when running universally.

The GraphQL schemas and queries are located within /graphQL

The GraphQL API endpoints are defined within server/init/api.js

Out of the box the following API requests can be made to the API server localhost:3000/api and can be extended by adding additional GraphQL schema within /graphQL: