
:fire: React, Redux, Firebase universal boilerplate

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React, Redux, Firebase universal boilerplate

Full-stack universal React, Redux, Firebase boilerplate 🔥 Built on top of the awesome reactGo framework


Getting started

⛔️ 📛 🚫 IMPORTANT run npm run build at the start of each project

Running Server

npm install && npm run dev


  • Client Firebase configuration file exist within app/utils/firebase/config.js, replace these with your own Firebase credentials.
  • Firebase admin configuration exist within server/index.js, replace these with your own Firebase credentials & swap out admin SDK key inside server/secrets.

Firebase Services

  • You can edit the below services inside app/services/firebaseService.js
Get Firebase object
const exampleObj = await getFirebaseObject('example-firebase-ref');
Get Firebase array
const arrayofItems = await getFirebaseArray('example-firebase-ref');
Using Firebase filters
const exampleObjWithFilters = await getFirebaseObject('example-firebase-ref', { orderByChild: 'date', equalTo: '06/03/2018' });

Example async route handling

Route configuration


Home route with corresponding 'name' and 'component' value.

  • 'name' value is sent to a fetchData function and makes async requests for data
  • getComponent function awaits async requests and handles WebPack code splitting
  path: '/',
  exact: true,
  name: 'Home',
  component: getComponent('Home'),

Fetch Data


Post container mapStateToProps

  • Object returned in fetchData switch statement becomes available on the 'app' Redux state
case 'Home': {
  const posts = await getFirebaseArray('posts', { orderByChild: 'uploaded' });
  return ({ posts });


Post container mapStateToProps

  • Object returned in fetchData switch statement becomes available on the 'app' Redux state
  • 'loading' key is set to true at the start of a request and false upon completion
function mapStateToProps({app, loading}) {
  const { posts } = app;
  return {


Component and container level based styles exist in /app/components/*/*.scss & app/containers/*/*.scss and are imported at the top of each JSX file (beneath absolute and relative module/component imports):

// Header.jsx
import React from 'react';
import { Logo } from './Logo';
import './Header.scss';

Global SASS partials (variables, typography, grid settings etc) are contained within /app/sass/ and are split between two folders:


For storing Sass mixins, variables and functions across the project.


For styles and classes used throughout the project, such as our CSS reset, typography rules, etc. Imported in App container (/app/containers/App.jsx) - file imports need be relative to here.