- ClockViews
- LoadingViews
- CoffeeView: A cup of coffee loading view
- FlaskView: A flask loading view
- RainyView: A rainy view
- DayNightLoadingView: A loading view that switches between day and night
- PacmanLoadingView: A pacman loading view
- PinBallLoadingView: A pin ball loading view
- PeasLoadingView: A peas rotation loading view
- ClockLoadingView: A clock loading view
- SignalLoadingView: A signal rotation loading view
- JumboLoadingView: A loading(progress) view that you can select different shapes
- FanLoadingView: A fan rotation loading view
- WhirlLoadingView: A loading view that includes two rotating arcs
- CubeLoadingView: A cube 3D rotation loading view
- DiceLoadingView: A dice 3D rotation loading view
- BarChartLoadingView: A bar chart loading view that you can specify the number of bars
- BallsLoadingView: A loading view that includes four balls for animating
- IntertwineLoadingView: A two intertwined balls loading view
- ProgressViews
- ChargingViews
- Others
- Instructions for use
- License