cut up videos from the easy-polish youtube channel, parse out subtitles, turn into anki cards. may work for other easy-language videos as well, untested.

first use:

  1. poetry install (or use the dev.Dockerfile and script)
  2. go through the pipeline in order in video-pipeline/
  3. copy resultant csv to brain-brew/src/data, resultant video to brain-brew/src/media
  4. in brain-brew/ poetry run brainbrew run recipies/source_to_anki.yml

after that:

  1. go through the pipeline in order in video-pipeline/ to generate new cards
  2. export your deck in crowdanki formate
  3. edit brain-brew/recipies/anki_to_source.yml to point it at export directory
  4. (maybe) rm -r brain-brew/src/
  5. in brain-brew/ poetry run brainbrew run recipies/anki_to_source.yml
  6. cat new cards onto brain-brew/src/data csv file, copy media files to brain-brew/src/media
  7. in brain-brew/ poetry run brainbrew run recipies/source_to_anki.yml

theoretically should work!