
Many-to-many with user authentication

Primary LanguageC#

Pierre's Market

A Project Exploring Basic Many-to-Many Relationships With MVC C# and User-Authentication, Entity, and MySQL Workbench

By Sammai Gutierrez

Technologies Used

  • GitHub
  • VS Code
  • ASP .NET Core MVC
  • C#
  • GitBash
  • _MySQL Workbench
  • Entity Framework


In brief, this project allows a user to add indefinite treats and add many flavors assigned to it. Flavors can also have many treats assigned to it . The user is able to add & delete one from each other and/or entirely from the app, and/or see its details.


  • C#/.NET 5
  • VS Code or another text editor of choice
  • Internet browser
  • An account with GitHub
  • MySQL Workbench
  • A command line interface (Terminal or GitBash) to run and interact with the application.

Installation Instruction

    • Clone the repository with command $ git clone gitHub-URL-repository
    • Open the repository on your computer in your text editor.
    • Navigate to the PierresMarket folder & create a file called appsettings.json.
    • Once inside appsettings.json, write the following code:
      • { "ConnectionStrings": { "DefaultConnection": "Server=localhost;Port=3306;database=[NAME YOUR DATABASE HERE];uid=[MySQL USER-NAME HERE];pwd=[MySQL PASSWORD HERE];" } }
      • Fill in the required info. (database name, MySQL user-name & password) without the squared brackets.
    • _Navigate to the PierresMarket folder and run the command $dotnet ef database update
    • Still in the PierresMarket folder, run the command $dotnet build
    • To begin using the MVC application, run the command $dotnet run
    • Visit the app via the browser: 'localhost:5000/'

Known Bugs

  • Nothing yet


MIT © 2021 Sammai Gutierrez