This repo contains a list of all my blogs. Hashnode
Vite: The Fast, Simple, and Efficient Build Tool for Web Developers
If you're a developer who's looking for a faster, simpler and more efficient way to build web applications, then Vite might be just what you need.
In this blog post, we'll learn to use Vite, and how it can help you build your web applications more qu...
Introduction to Tailwind
Are you tired of writing CSS from scratch and spending hours tinkering with styles? Do you want to speed up your web development process without sacrificing customization? Look no further than Tailwind, the utility-first CSS framework that streamline...
A Short Introduction to React
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. It is developed and maintained by Facebook, and is widely used for building single-page applications and mobile apps. React allows developers to build reusable UI components, manage the stat...
The Complete Guide to User Authentication in Firebase
In this blog, we'll cover how to implement a simple login signup functionality using firebase. We'll be using modular JavaScript SDK, which (according to the documentation) provides a reduced SDK size and greater efficiency with modern JavaScript bui...
JavaScript Datatypes in Detail
There are seven different primitive data types in JavaScript: undefined, null, number, bigint, string, boolean and symbol. We'll learn about each of them in detail.
Number stores numerical values. This is different from some other programmi...
Learn Git the FAST way.
In this blog post, I'll share what is Git? And how to get started with Git.
But first, why even learn git? Well... Let's say you are working on a project which has thousands of lines of code. So you modified 5 different files. However, due to some re...