Ball Simulation Project


  • Name: Samman Babu Amgain
  • Roll No: 27
  • Group: N

Project Overview

This project simulates a number of balls within a rectangular boundary box, utilizing Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles with ES5 or ES6. The simulation includes ball collision detection and responses, ensuring realistic movement and interactions.


  • Rectangular Boundary Box: Defines the limits within which the balls move.
  • Instance Generation: Balls are generated randomly within the box using OOP.
  • Collision Detection:
  • Boundary Walls: Balls detect and bounce back when hitting the walls.
  • Inter-ball Collisions: Balls detect and bounce back upon colliding with each other, maintaining correct directions.
  • Non-overlapping: Balls do not overlap after collisions.
  • Boundary Constraint: Balls remain within the boundary limits.
  • Variable Directions: Each ball starts with a different initial direction upon initialization.
  • DOM Manipulation: The entire simulation is implemented using DOM.

Extra Features

  • Variable Ball Count, Speed, and Sizes: Each ball has random speed and size.
  • Elastic Collision Implementation: Collisions account for speed, mass, and angle of balls.
  • Stress Test: The simulation supports up to 500 balls with minimal lag on tested devices.

Elastic Collision Implementation

The following formula is used to calculate elastic collisions between two balls:

let dx = x2 - x1;
let dy = y2 - y1;

let distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

let angle = Math.atan2(dy, dx);

// Rotating along the axis of collision
let u1x_collision = u1x * Math.cos(angle) + u1y * Math.sin(angle);
let u1y_collision = u1y * Math.cos(angle) - u1x * Math.sin(angle);
let u2x_collision = u2x * Math.cos(angle) + u2y * Math.sin(angle);
let u2y_collision = u2y * Math.cos(angle) - u2x * Math.sin(angle);

// Calculating the velocity after collision
let vx1_collision_final = (u1x_collision * (m1 - m2) + 2 * m2 * u2x_collision) / (m1 + m2);
let vx2_collision_final = (u2x_collision * (m2 - m1) + 2 * m1 * u1x_collision) / (m1 + m2);
let vy1_collision_final = u1y_collision;
let vy2_collision_final = u2y_collision;

// Rotating back
let v1x_final = vx1_collision_final * Math.cos(-angle) + vy1_collision_final * Math.sin(-angle);
let v1y_final = vy1_collision_final * Math.cos(-angle) - vx1_collision_final * Math.sin(-angle);
let v2x_final = vx2_collision_final * Math.cos(-angle) + vy2_collision_final * Math.sin(-angle);
let v2y_final = vy2_collision_final * Math.cos(-angle) - vx2_collision_final * Math.sin(-angle);


A demonstration of the simulation with 500 balls can be found here. This link showcases the simulation running with minimal lag.

The source code for the demo can be found in the ball-simulation-demo repository.