Current tasks:

  • Install script

    • setup virtualenv
    • Download sms-tools and add to python path
  • STFT

    • Improve error
      • Different window type?
        • Hamming windows and related are POA at 50%
      • No windowing?
      • Need to add another frame
    • More Tests?
      • Peak consistency
      • Add new parameters
    • Infer length of synthesized sound from spectrum
  • Harmonic Analysis

    • Need to normalize stft output before transformations
      • Normalized by DFT length, then to decibals
    • Peak Detection
      • Maximum number of peaks??
    • Parabolic Interpolation
    • Variables
      • Minimum amplitude threshold (based on sidelobe level, paramterized for now)
        • -40dB looks alright for Hamming
        • -30dB for Hann?
        • Need a way to validate that we're eliminating the sidelobes, probably a test on a single waveform, ensuring that i get one(two) values out of this step
      • Minimum duration threshold
      • Maximum number of tracks?
    • Tests
      • Parabolic Interpolation
      • Shape
      • Accuracy (number of tracks??)
      • Fundamental??
  • Stochastic Analysis

  • Pitch shift

    • Read wav file
    • Perform stft
    • Identify Peaks
      • Window size (might be depentdent on fundamental frequency detection)
      • Frequency variability
      • Duration threshold
      • Min amplitude
      • Parabolic interpolation
    • Identify fundamental fq
    • Stochastic analysis
    • Adjust harmonics to new fundamental
    • Synthesize
    • write wav
  • Variables

    • DFT size (parameterized for now, but should be inferred from fundamental)
    • Window type (Hanning)
    • Frequency delta threshold
    • Minimum amplitude threshold
    • Minimum duration threshold
    • Window size (same as DFT size duh)