
Minimal binary codec for SocketCluster based on pbf

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Minimal binary codec for SC based on pbf.
This codec helps reduce bandwidth usage and is ideal for games and other high-throughput applications.

This module is designed to be hooked up on both the client and server.

This codec also assumes you're using one proto message type per SocketCluster client/worker instance for maximum efficiency, and that you're either sending objects that can be encoded with that message, or strings.

To install, use:

npm install --save sc-codec-pbf

Install pbf and compile a JavaScript module from a .proto file:

# example.proto
message Example {
  int64 x = 1;
  int64 y = 2;
  string playerID = 3;
  PlayerState playerState = 4;
  enum PlayerState {
    MOVING = 0;
    TALKING = 1;
    IN_COMBAT = 2;
$ npm install -g pbf
$ pbf example.proto > example.js

On the server, inside worker.js, you should use:

var scCodecPbf = require('sc-codec-pbf');

// ...pbf
// This needs to go inside the run function - Near the top.
var Example = require('./example.js').Example;
worker.scServer.setCodecEngine(new scCodecPbf(Example));

On the client-side, you can either include the sc-codec-pbf module using your favorite bundler such as Browserify or Webpack or you can include the sc-codec-pbf.js file using a script tag; this will expose the scCodecPbf object globally. To use it, you just need to add it on connect:

var socket = socketCluster.connect({
  // ...
  codecEngine: new scCodecPbf(Example)

socket.emit('playerUpdate', {
  x: 500,
  y: 204,
  playerID: 'sdshu8ijodln',
  playerState: 0

Note that the codec used on the client and on the server always need to match.

Early Benchmarks

This hasn't been extensively battle tested yet, but early comparisons show a reduction of around half from sc-codec-min-bin. With the example above, Chrome WS frame inspector showed:

  • JSON Stringify/Parse: 87 bytes
  • sc-codec-min-bin: 54 bytes
  • sc-codec-pbf: 27 bytes


To build the global script for the browser:

browserify -s scCodecPbf index.js > sc-codec-pbf.js