
Category for UIImage to colorize it. Perfect for changing the color of a glyph with a neutral color.

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A couple of useful category methods relating to UIImage and colour.


Category for UIImage to colorize it. Perfect for changing the color of a glyph with a neutral color.

To use simply invoke with -

    _imageView.image = [_disclosureImage cl_changeColor:[UIColor greenColor]];

Supports both retina and regular display scales.

Tiny Image

Creates a tiny image of a certain color, allowing it to be used when color states are not an option such as UIButton.

    [btn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage cl_imageWithColor:[UIColor grey]] forState:UIControlStateDisabled];  
    [btn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage cl_imageWithColor:[UIColor red]] forState:UIControlStateNormal];  
    [btn setBackgroundImage:[UIImage cl_imageWithColor:[UIColor black]] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];  

Note: Some parts of these snippets have been floating around in one form or another. Keen to attribute them to their original owner.