
A standalone python script with no dependencies that will install python apps in dedicated virtualenvs

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

vpyapp.py: Standalone virtualized Python app installer

License: MIT Latest release

vpyapp.py is a simple, single-file script that can be sourced with curl to bootstrap installation and launching of of cached virtualized python applications.

Table of contents


Python script vpyapp.py is intended to be sourced with curl and run directly. it manages a set of named "virtual python applications", each with their own dedicated directory and virtualenv under ~/.cache/vpyapp/apps. It's simple CLI allows the user to run commands provided by isolated cached python applications, without requiring explicit creating of virtualenvs, installation of prerequisites, etc.


Python: Python 3.7+ is required. See your OS documentation for instructions. curl: The intended zero-install web-sourced usage pattern described below makes use of curl.


Command Line


The intended use of vpyapp.py is as a zero-install curl-sourced script; e.g.,:

curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/sammck/vpyapp/latest/vpyapp.py | python3 - <vpyapp-command> [<arg>...]

The latest tag will be maintained on this repository to point to the latest stable version.


Alternatively, vpyapp.py may be copied anyhere and run directly as a script; e.g.,:

./vpyapp.py  <vpyapp-command> [<arg>...]


Regardless of whether the script is sourced locally or via curl, the command-line interface is the same:

usage: vpyapp.py [-h] [--traceback] [-v] {version,install,run} ...

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --traceback, --tb     Display detailed exception information
  -v, --verbose         Verbose output

Display the vpyapp.py version:

usage: vpyapp.py version [-h]

Display the version of vpyapp.py being used.

Install or update a vpyapp without invoking a command in the vpyapp--displays install output

usage: vpyapp.py install [-h] [-n APP_NAME] [-u] [--clean] [-o APP_PATH_FILE] package_name

Install a python app/package in its own virtualenv private to this user.

positional arguments:
  package_name          The package to install, as provided to "pip3 install".

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Local name of the app. By default, derived from package_name
  -u, --update          Update the package if it is already installed
  --clean               Force a clean installation of the package
  -o APP_PATH_FILE, --app-path-file APP_PATH_FILE
                        The name of a file to which the installed application path will be written

Silently install/update a vpyapp if necessary, then invoke a command in the virtualenv of the vpyapp. Install output is hidden.

usage: vpyapp.py run [-h] [-n APP_NAME] [-u] [--clean] package_name ...

Install a python app/package in its own virtualenv and run a command in the virtualenv.

positional arguments:
  package_name          The package to install, as provided to "pip3 install".
  app_cmd...            Command and arguments as would be used within the virtualenv.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -u, --update          Update the package if it is already installed
  --clean               Force a clean installation of the package


vpyapp.py may be imported as a module and its run function can be called from other scripts if desired.

Known issues and limitations

  • TBD

Getting help

Please report any problems/issues here.


Pull requests welcome.


vpyapp.py is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. The license applies to this file and other files in the GitHub repository hosting this file.

Authors and history

The author of vpyapp.py is Sam McKelvie.