
Deployed Link = https://evolve-client.vercel.app/
Ev_Dekho is a full-stack web application through which users can explore electric vehicles.
Built using Node.js, Express.js, React.js , MongoDB.
This repository - evolve-client only containts the client react.js code and you can find the backend node.js code in evolve-server repo.

Various functionalities have been mentioned below:

  • User login, register, logout.
  • Admin login, register, logout.
  • Admin data entry - add, update, delete.
  • Users can :
    • explore electric vehicles by specifying their requirements such as price range, speed, etc.
    • Users can also view details, specifications, the vehicle's photo, and reviews.
    • Users can compare 2 or 3 electric vehicles side by side. Users can also filter out the comparision by selecting the comparision criteria.
    • Users can calculate their savings if they switch to an EV from their petrol/diesel vehicle. They will also be able to calculate the carbon footprint they leave behind and how it can be reduced by switching to EVs.
    • The recently viewed vehicles of the users and the total user count are also displayed on the home page.

Few major packages and dependencies used :

  • For Frontend:

    • axios
    • react-router-dom
    • jquery
    • react-scripts
    • react-bootstrap
    • react-toastify
    • react-icons
    • react-spinners
  • For Backend :

    • jsonwebtoken
    • Bcrypt
    • mongodb
    • mongoose
    • dotenv
    • body-parser

Backend node.js server is deployed using render = https://evolve-server.onrender.com/
Front-end react part is deployed using Vercel = https://evolve-client.vercel.app/

You can access my website using this link: https://evolve-client.vercel.app/