Spring Batch is an open source framework for batch processing. It is a lightweight, comprehensive solution designed to enable the development of robust batch applications, often found in modern enterprise systems. Spring Batch is a sub-project of the Spring Framework. It provides reusable functions that are essential in processing large volumes of records, including logging/tracing, transaction management, job processing statistics, job restart, skip, and resource management. It also provides more advanced technical services and features that will enable extremely high-volume and high performance batch jobs though optimization and partitioning techniques.
MarkLogic Spring Batch is the fusion of the Spring Batch processing framework and the MarkLogic Java Client API. The vision is to provide a comprehensive and robust solution for building custom batch processing jobs for the MarkLogic platform.
- Write batch processing solutions that are reliable, robust, and high performing
- Reduce the amount of time it takes to build, operate, and maintain batch processing jobs with MarkLogic
- Minimize complexity of batch processing applications
Have you ever written a long running batch processing job, like migrating data from a relational database, and ask yourself "Someone should invent a tool that automates this work?". Do you have to execute multiple custom programs and a Content Pump or CORB job to accomplish a batch transform? Have you ever wondered why that one batch process failed after running for 8 hours and had no idea why? If these are the types of technical challenges that keep you up at night then MarkLogic Spring Batch is your sleep aid.
- Provide custom ItemReaders, ItemProcessors, ItemWriters, and tasklets for writing custom MarkLogic batch processing jobs.
- Persist the metadata of any JobExecution with a MarkLogic JobRepository
- Execute one of many generic MarkLogic batch processing jobs for importing, transforming, and exporting data in a MarkLogic database
- Mitigate the risk of the Spring Batch learning curve by providing examples of creating your own custom batch processing job
The examples directory provides examples of MarkLogic batch processing jobs. Each example is setup to be deployed as a command line utility. The base job provides a template for creating a custom import batch processing job.
Create a build.gradle file to import the MarkLogic Spring Batch (MSB) jars. Use the latest version of the MSB jars.
plugins {
id "java"
id "application"
repositories {
dependencies {
compile "com.marklogic:marklogic-spring-batch-core:0.5.0"
testComplile "com.marklogic:marklogic-spring-batch-test:0.5.0"
The next step is to create your Spring Batch job configuration. The goal is to assemble the step, steps, or tasklets needed to execute a Job. Each step requires an ItemReader, ItemProcessor, and ItemWriter. Spring Batch offers many out of the box classes for these ItemReader/Processor/Writers and they should be leveraged first before reinventing the wheel. MarkLogic Spring Batch offers custom ItemReader/Processor/Writer and tasklets that can also be used. Take a look at the JobConfiguration for the base example.
Create a test class by subclassing the AbstractJobTest. Check out the test class from the base example.
An easy way to execute your job is to execute it as a command line utility similar to MarkLogic Content Pump or CORB. An easy way to deploy the job is via the Gradle Application Plugin. Once you have your JobConfiguration created and have verified that it works, then execute the following gradle command to build an executable.
gradle distZip
This will create a zip file under ../install/distributions that can be transferred and executed on any host.
Each MarkLogic Spring Batch execution application (based on the Main class) expects a few command line parameters. Custom parameters can be defined in the JobConfiguration.
- config - The class name of your Job configuration
- host - MarkLogic host
- port - MarkLogic application port
- username - MarkLogic user name
- password - MarkLogic password
- jrHost (optional) - the Job Repository MarkLogic host
- jrPort (optional) - the Job Repository MarkLogic port
- jrUsername (optional) - the Job Repository MarkLogic username
- jrPassword (optional) - the Job Repository MarkLogic password
./jobExec --config com.marklogic.spring.batch.job.JobNameConfig.class --host localhost --port 8010 --username admin --password admin --customParam1 xyz --customParamX abc
The second option is to create a gradle JavaExec task that would execute your job via a gradle command. Here is an example gradle task taken from the mysql-sakila example.
task migrateActors(type: JavaExec) {
classpath = configurations.runtime
main = "com.marklogic.spring.batch.Main"
args = [
"--config", "com.marklogic.spring.batch.config.MigrateColumnMapsConfig",
"--host", mlHost,
"--port", mlRestPort,
"--username", mlUsername,
"--password", mlPassword,
"--jdbc_driver", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver",
"--jdbc_url", "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/sakila",
"--jdbc_username", "root",
"--jdbc_password", "admin",
"--sql", actorsSql,
"--root_local_name", "actor"
Once this task is in your build.gradle file then you would execute with the following command
gradle migrateActors
If you want to use a MarkLogic Job Repository then you first need to install a new application onto your MarkLogic database. A MarkLogic Job Repository can be installed via the executable created with your Gradle application plugin.
./jobs deployMarkLogicJobRepository --jr_host localhost --jr_port 8011 --jr_username admin --jr_password admin
If you ever need to undeploy the JobRepository then you can issue the following command.
./jobs undeployMarkLogicJobRepository --jr_host localhost --jr_port 8011 --jr_username admin --jr_password admin
Now when you execute your job, then add the additional parameters for the MarkLogic Job Repository. All JobExecution metadata is now logged to the MarkLogic JobRepository.
./jobs --config com.marklogic.spring.batch.job.JobNameConfig.class --host localhost --port 8010 --username admin --password admin --custom_param1 xyz --customParamX abc --jr_host localhost --jr_port 8011 --jr_username admin --jr_password admin
Please read CONTRIBUTING.md for details on how to contribute code to this project and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Scott A. Stafford - sastafford
- Rob Rudin - rjrudin
- Venu Iyengar - venuiyengar
- Sanju Thomas - sanjuthomas
See the LICENSE.md file for details
- Spring Batch Introduction: http://docs.spring.io/spring-batch/trunk/reference/html/spring-batch-intro.html