
Server Wrapper for rendering FusionCharts on RoR

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Fusioncharts Rails

Gem Version Code Climate

Rails wrapper to build charts using FusionCharts. http://www.fusioncharts.com


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fusioncharts-rails'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fusioncharts-rails

Getting Started

You will have to download the latest fusioncharts library at http://www.fusioncharts.com/download/. Once you have downloaded and extracted, copy the javascript files into vendor/assets/javascripts/fusioncharts/.

Require the following lines in the app/assets/javascripts/application.js

//= require fusioncharts/fusioncharts
//= require fusioncharts/fusioncharts.charts
//= require fusioncharts/themes/fusioncharts.theme.fint

Usage Guide

1. Creating a chart:

Create the FusionCharts object in the controller action like the following:

#Filename: app/controllers/dashboard_controller.rb

class DashboardController < ApplicationController

  def index

    @chart = Fusioncharts::Chart.new({
        width: "600",
        height: "400",
        type: "mscolumn2d",
        renderAt: "chartContainer",
        dataSource: {
            chart: {
            caption: "Comparison of Quarterly Revenue",
            subCaption: "Harry's SuperMart",
            xAxisname: "Quarter",
            yAxisName: "Amount ($)",
            numberPrefix: "$",
            theme: "fint",
            exportEnabled: "1",
            categories: [{
                    category: [
                        { label: "Q1" },
                        { label: "Q2" },
                        { label: "Q3" },
                        { label: "Q4" }
                dataset: [
                        seriesname: "Previous Year",
                        data: [
                            { value: "10000" },
                            { value: "11500" },
                            { value: "12500" },
                            { value: "15000" }
                        seriesname: "Current Year",
                        data: [
                            { value: "25400" },
                            { value: "29800" },
                            { value: "21800" },
                            { value: "26800" }



2. Render the chart

In order to render the chart, you can use the render method in the specific view

<!-- Filename: app/views/dashboard/index.html.erb -->

<h3>My Chart</h3>
<div id="chartContainer"><%= @chart.render() %></div>

3. Note

  • The dataSource key (which can be set using the dataSource method or passed in as a hash in the chart constructor) can accept data which is in one of the following formats:
    • Valid Ruby Hash
    • JSON String
    • XML String
  • Also look at FusionCharts Export Handler to understand how to export a chart to different image formats and PDF.

API Methods

Set width of the chart.

@chart.width = 600

Set height of the chart.

@chart.height = 400

Set the chart type.

@chart.type = "column2d"

Set the datasource format of the chart.

@chart.dataFormat = "json"

Set the datasource format of the chart.

@chart.dataSource = {
    chart: {
            caption: "Comparison of Quarterly Revenue",
            subCaption: "Harry's SuperMart",
            xAxisname: "Quarter",
            yAxisName: "Amount ($)",
            numberPrefix: "$",
            theme: "fint",
            exportEnabled: "1",
            categories: [{
                  category: [
                      { label: "Q1" },
                      { label: "Q2" },
                      { label: "Q3" },
                      { label: "Q4" }
            dataset: [
                    seriesname: "Previous Year",
                    data: [
                        { value: "10000" },
                        { value: "11500" },
                        { value: "12500" },
                        { value: "15000" }
                    seriesname: "Current Year",
                    data: [
                        { value: "25400" },
                        { value: "29800" },
                        { value: "21800" },
                        { value: "26800" }

Set the url from where the datasource should be fetched. This must be a valid json data.

@chart.jsonUrl = "/data/chart.json"

Set the url from where the datasource should be fetched. This must be a valid xml data.

@chart.xmlUrl = "/data/chart.xml"

Set the DOM id where the chart should be rendered.

@chart.renderAt = "chartContainer"

Render the chart.
