The final project created during Next Academy's bootcamp. See it here:
This project was created within 1 week and is not actively maintained so apologies if anything breaks!
Our theme was eSports. Our group came up with the idea of an app to help promote smaller streamers to get more views.
The concept was to show a live-streamer with a low view count's video in our app using the YouTube API for 1 minute. Viewers could then vote during this time to prolong the stream, or the video would change to a different streamer. If more than 50% of viewers opt to change, then it would continue for another minute
Viewers can use the live chat feature to discuss amongst themselves.
🎨 Logo, design and overall CSS styling of the app lovingly created by @sammiepls (me!)
- Ruby on Rails
- Bootstrap (but make it custom)
- JavaScript
- ActionCable for live chat
- @sammiepls
- @wkitsin
- @estherleongym
- @wheng3
- Nyall Livett