
Primary LanguagePython



Usage (SocConv)

SocConv.py [filename .pkl or .float] -options
  • -h Help
  • -o Specify output (ex. spec.png spec.txt DIR/out.png)
  • -c Out put as pseudo color
  • -w When input files is .pkl, optionally specify wavelength file.
  • -t Transmittance (need reference as -r)
  • -a Absorbance
  • -r Reference file
  • -d1 First-order differential
  • -d2 Second-order differential
  • -sm Smoothness of differential
  • -m Make movie after convert images
  • -yx The max intensity of image
  • -ym The min intensity of image
  • -sl slice. (ex. -sl 100:300,100:300,20:30)

Usage (SpecPlot)

SpecPlot.py [filename *.txt] -options
  • -h Help
  • --o Specify output (ex. filename.png .pdf)
  • -ds Data size
  • -lf Specify label file
  • -ld Plot legend
  • -ldo Plot legend outside
  • -ldb Plot legend in best position
  • -ldh Plot legend holizontal
  • -lc Set color based on label quantity
  • -sl Sort legend based on label
  • -sl* Sort legend based on label in reverse oder
  • -t Set title name
  • -ly Set label name of y axis
  • -lx Set label name of x axis (ex. -lx '$\mathit{\lambda}$')
  • -logy Set y axis as log scale
  • -logx Set x axis as log scale
  • -sn Use 10^e format on y axis
  • -lw Line width
  • -lt Line or marker type (ex. "-", "--", "-.", ":")
  • -fi Fill area surrounded by the x axis and the line.
  • -ms Marker size
  • -cc Line color
  • -c Color map (ex. "Accent","RdBu","Spectral")
  • -as Aspect ratio (ex. -as 2.)
  • -xm Xmin
  • -xx Xmax
  • -ym Ymin
  • -yx Ymax
  • -yt y Ticks. Spacing between values
  • -xt x Ticks. Spacing between values
  • -cm set lower limit of color mapping (default: 0.0)
  • -cx set upper limit of color mapping (default: 1.0)
  • -b Bar graph
  • -s Use graphic option seaborn
  • -g Use graphic option ggplot
  • -dpi DPI
  • -fs Font size
  • -fo Font
  • -i Intaractive mode
  • -w When input files is one, optionally specify wavelength file.

input examples

SpecPlot.py t_*.txt

SpecPlot.py t_01.txt
