
🐕 Auto-Moderation has never been so easy. Automatically moderate your chat with Corgi. υ´• ﻌ •`υ

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Automatic chat moderation with this easy to use bot.
Invite me | Visit me | Review me


  1. Multi Language Support.
  2. Punish extreme caps usage.
  3. Delete invite spam in your server.
  4. Set a limit of new lines per message.
  5. Block links/urls in your server.
  6. Prevent swearning in the chat.
  7. Prevent character flood in the chat (AAAAAAAA).
  8. Set a limit of message length.
  9. Admin and mod bypass.
  10. Multiple presences system

Available languages

  1. En (English) - default
  2. Es (Spanish/Español)

use c!setlang <es/en>

Available commands

c!botinfo | Display bot information
c!config | Display server settings
c!help | get help (show command list) c!invite | get the bot invite
c!setlang | set bot language
c!setcaps | enable or disable caps check
c!setinvite | enable or disable invite check
c!setnewlines | enable or disable newline check
c!setmaxlines | set max new lines per message
c!setlink | enable or disable link check
c!setswear | enable or disable swear check
c!setflood | enable or disable flood check
c!setmaxchar | max repeated secuencial characters
c!setmaxlength | set max message length
c!setmodbypass | enable or disable bypass for moderators [Ban permission]
c!setadminbypass | enable or disable bypass for administrador [Administrator permission]

Only Bot Owner commands

c!eval | Evaluate a javascript expression


Contact me on discord: Sammwy#0001