
C++ rewrite of PaperSDL, dedicated to making raylib just a little easier to work with. https://github.com/raysan5/raylib

Primary LanguageC


C++ rewrite of PaperSDL, dedicated to making raylib and raygui just a little easier to work with. https://github.com/raysan5/raylib


Copy the files from the example folder into a directory of your choosing

Create a folder called "build", and navigate into it

Compile your source folder using CMake:

mkdir build # create a build directory
cd build # navigate into your new build directory
cmake .. # configure the project
make -j8 # compile the project (you can substitute the 8 with the number of cores you have)
./SampleProgram # you should be able to run the binary now! if you're on windows, the command will be .\SampleProgram.exe

This should produce a binary called "SampleProgram". You can change the program name by changing line 2 on the CMakeLists.txt file.


#include "Paper.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <filesystem>

class Program : public PaperApp {
        Program() : PaperApp(640, 480, "Paper Project") {}
        PaperTextBox ptb;

        void Start() override {
            ptb = PaperTextBox(GetCenter(), (Vector2) {250, 50}, "Running Paper!", 64);

        void Update () override {

        void Draw() override {

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    Program paperApp = Program();