
a private chat app made from scratch in java

Primary LanguageJava

A simple private chat developed in Java

Currently only supporting windows but may work on other operating systems


Launcher 1.0


Java 8

Preferably Windows operating system


-Download the latest launcher (or latest version) in releases

-Open the jar file

-Type in your input in the format of your desired way of connecting to a private chat server

Here are the following ways to connect:

Connecting via IP address

Input the IP address of the private chat server which you are trying to connect to.

Example image

Connecting with server access file

If provided with a server access file and server access key, you may connect to the private chat server by using these files.

Place the server access file and key in the same directory as the client jar file.

Simply type in "file" into the textfield and the connection to the server will be established.

It is important that you do not rename the server access file and key, otherwise the program will not find the files.

Example image image

Connecting to local IP address

If you are trying to connect to a private chat server which is on hosted on the same network as your current device, you may connect to it using this method.

Simply type in "local:" and the port of the private chat server following it.

Example image