
Front-end web application bootstrap.

Primary LanguageCSS


A really simple front-end web application bootstrap for the Via development team.

Originally cloned from HTML5 Boilerplate, we've restructured it to our liking and included a default SASS directory structure.

####New with v 1.0 Now Thrust is using yeoman & bower so you can get up and running even faster.


You'll have to have Node package manager installed to get Thrust's dependencies, it comes with node js these days, so go to http://nodejs.org/ and install it.

If you don't already have yeoman & bower, simply run:

npm install -g yo
npm install -g bower

Now that's taken care of, simply clone Thrust down and:

cd [thrust directory]
npm link

cd [your project directory]
yo thrust

Then just answer the questions and you're good to go.

Page Structure Syntax

Although the questions are reasonably straight forward, the page structures one requires the correct syntax, which is thus:

//comma separated list

home|slider|zeus, news|intro|poseidon

Available Page Structures

Now you may have noticed we decided to name the page structures after greek gods, that's just how we roll at via. Plus we thought all that 'two-col-sidebar-right' business was rather inelegant.

Structure God Name
Full Width zeus
Two Col poseidon
Two Col Sidebar Left poseidon_left
Two Col Sidebar Right poseidon_right
Three Col hermes
Three Col Sidebar Left hermes_left
Three Col Sidebar Right hermes_right
Four Col athena



To Do

  • Improve structures syntax, so that each page you've entered has it's own prompt.
  • Incorporate grunt.
  • Get Thrust to create project directory so you don't have to!
  • Have it ask about optional extras (slick, colorbox etc.)
  • Have it ask about JS functions and generate example html (accordions etc.)
  • Ask about breakpoints if responsive.
  • Possibly have it initialise git repo in project folder once generated.