These are the features that are going to be in the final piece of the project 😋
Book events, venues and services. (COMING SOON)
Track Income and expenses.
is accumulated when people buy tickets for your event, or book your venue or service.EXPENSES
occur when you book venues and/or services for your event. (COMING SOON)Payments Integration. (COMING SOON)
🔥Admin Dashboard to manage all users, event organizers, event owners, venue owners, services providers and general settings of the system. (COMING SOON)
🔥Integrate VueJs for super UX (COMING SOON)
🔥PostgreSQL for faster database queries. ( ALREADY CONFIQURED)
> On windows machine use "copy" command instead of "cp".
7 If you run into any error edit app\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php
by commenting this lines of code:
public function boot()
//View::share('events', Event::all());
//View::share('venues', Venue::all());
//View::share('services', Service::all());
//View::share('categories', Category::all());