
Simple webscraper made with Scrapy to output .csv files

Primary LanguagePython

TRF Scraper

Simple spider made with scrapy used to scrape the contents of the TRF1 website into .csv files


The project needs poetry to be installed in your machine, installation instructions here

After having installed poetry you can install the dependecies with the following command:

poetry install

After installing all dependencies you can run the project with the following command:

poetry run scrapy runspider trf_spider.py


The spider will create 4 .csv files for each scraped item, each in its own location on the following folders:


The files will be named according to the folder name and process number as following: {folder_name}_{process_number}.csv

If the contents parsed are empty the .csv file will be empty as well. This is intended behaviour that probably should be tweaked but it works well enough 🙃