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This project is entirely written in C# and built on the .NET framework, tailored specifically for developers engaged in the creation of distributed applications. It harnesses the latest tools and technologies to simplify the development process within the realm of microservices.

In this developer-centric context, the project encompasses a wide spectrum of functionalities, including message-broker systems, caching mechanisms, HTTP client integrations, mediation services, as well as robust logging and tracing capabilities. By offering this comprehensive toolkit, developers are empowered to streamline the development of distributed applications, ensuring they are well-equipped to manage complex tasks and leverage the full potential of microservices architecture.


Redis Server

docker run -d --name redis-stack-server -p 6379:6379 redis/redis-stack-server:latest


docker run -it --rm --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3.12-management

Available packages

Package Name Type Version
MiniApp.Core nuget 1.0.0
MiniApp.Api nuget 1.0.6
MiniApp.Host nuget 1.0.4
MiniApp.Http nuget 1.0.0
MiniApp.Logger nuget 1.0.0
MiniApp.Mediator nuget 1.0.0
MiniApp.Redis nuget 1.0.0
MiniApp.Observability.Extensions nuget 1.0.1

Install a nuget

  dotnet add package MiniApp.Core --version 1.0.0

Takes two numbers and returns the sum.

🔗 Links

portfolio linkedin


For support, email




Contributions are always welcome!