
a multiplayer text adventure

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A multiplayer online role playing game

alt text

Uses: Assets from Wesnoth



Once you've cloned this repo:

Install dependencies:

npm install

Start a development server on http://localhost:5173/

npm run dev

Or start the server, open the app in a new browser tab and host it on your local network:

npm run dev -- --open --host

deploy to google cloud

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install git wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.5/install.sh | bash source ~/.bashrc nvm install --lts

git clone https://github.com/samoen/multiventure cd multiventure npm install npm run build

ORIGIN=http://{external ip of instance}:3000 node build

anti swarm: splash/pierce cull flat reflect flat armor

anti goliath: harm dmg %hp limit armor crit

anti multihitters/aggro gainers high provoke flat armor

anti burst/low aggro gain: limit armor low provoke protected

cheese: stock atk (per battle uses) cooldown speed + pacifier (reset aggro, give cooldowns)

greed: warmup summons snowball buffs

defensive: loot (steal stock item) stock heal cooldown protect

want to hit first: cursed dagger - crit but takes extra damage on turn of use want to hit last: lifesteal (prevent underheal) berzerker - bonus dmg from dmg taken

want to be immune: poison warmup

enemies ideas: goblin warcaller - don't prioritize. hard to kill (other goblins make harder), warmup, buffs other goblins aggro gain/ignore flat armor/splash immune dark summoner - prioritize, summons, snowball buff greedy

team composition: tanky provoker/healer + glass cannon

Preparation tactics: defensive (counter with greed) - immune, heal cheese (counter with defensive) - stock attacks greed (counter with cheese) - warmup, summons, growing buffs many hits (ie multihit good against heavy armor. low provoke good against low enemy aggro gain) vs big hits (ie burst/cooldown. good against light armor and high aggro gain) swarm vs goliath

battle tactics: minimize overkill/underheal who to target, focus fire. coordinate synergy, debuffs coordinate tanking enemy nuker aggro high, time protect manage cooldowns/warmup timing get stock value

stretch goals: battle position: backline, melee, infiltrated