
Linting tool for comparing versions between git branch and package.json

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Linting tool for comparing versions between git branch and package.json


Just install and start using. 😎

yarn add @samokat/lint-release --dev

yarn lint-release


We store application version in package.json file and create separate git branch for every release. This tool enforces using similar versions in both sources.

It allows branches with names satisfying pattern release/X.X.X and strictly compares it with a version in package.json.


package.json version branch name result
1.0.0 master ✅
2.2.0 development ✅
1.0.0 feature/tl-12 ✅
2.2.0 release/2.2.0 ✅
3.1 release/3.1 ✅
3 release/3 ✅
2.2.0 release/2.2.1 🛑
1.0.0 release/2.2.0 🛑


You can use this tool on CI, or add git-hook for linting.

CI specific

In some cases, on CI we can't use git for retriving branch name and CI provide it in env variables. This tool supports specific args for that case.

Example If your CI provide BRANCH_NAME variable, you can just pass it to linter:

yarn lint-release --branch=$BRANCH_NAME

Husky example

Never allow commit with different versions in branch and package.json.

  // ...
  "husky": {
    "hooks": {
      "pre-commit": "yarn lint-release",
  // ...