PISC (Public OCI-Image or docker-image Security Checker) is a set of bash scripts that check the following:
- malware (exploits, backdoors, crypto-miners, etc) by virustotal
- exploitable critical vulnerabilities by trivy and inthewild.io
- image misconfigurations like CVE-2024-21626
- old creation date
- non-version tag (optional)
It can be used to automatically check the security of public OCI-images before run them in a private environment or before using them as base images for CI/CD process.
Get API key for virustotal. Standard free end-user account has limitations.
docker run kapistka/pisc:latest /bin/bash ./scan.sh -delm --virustotal-key <virustotal-api-key> -i kapistka/log4shell:0.0.3-nonroot
Look at the Dockerfile to find dependencies. You need to install trivy
, skopeo
, jq
and other packages depending on the distribution used.
Usage: ./scan.sh [flags] [image_link or image_list]
-d, --date check old build date (365 by default)
--d-days int check old build date. Specify the number of days for old build date, example: --d-days 180
-e, --exploits check exploitable vulnerabilities by trivy and inthewild.io
-f, --file string all images from file will be checked. Example: -f images.txt
-h, --help print this help
-i, --image string only this image will be checked. Example: -i r0binak/mtkpi:v1.3
-l, --latest check non-version tag (:latest and the same)
-m, --misconfig check dangerous misconfigurations
--trivy-server string use trivy server if you can. Specify trivy URL, example: --trivy-server http://trivy.something.io:8080
--trivy-token string use trivy server if you can. Specify trivy token, example: --trivy-token 0123456789abZ
-v, --version show version
--virustotal-key string check malware by virustotal.com. Specify virustotal API-key, example: --virustotal-key 0123456789abcdef
--vulners-key string check exploitable vulnerabilities by vulners.com instead of inthewild.io. Specify vulners API-key, example: --vulners-key 0123456789ABCDXYZ
./scan.sh --virustotal-key 0123456789abcdef -i r0binak/mtkpi:v1.3
./scan.sh -delm --virustotal-key 0123456789abcdef -f images.txt