
Compiling protocol narrations into applied pi processes

Primary LanguageOCaml


narcapi is a compiler for compiling abstract equational protocol narrations into concrete processes in the applied pi calculus (specifically in ProVerif's untyped syntax).

It is an extension to SĂ©bastien Briais and Uwe Nestmann's concept of knowledge and the associated compiler spyer, that enables specification of arbitrary cryptographic primitives through equational theory.


A simple handshake protocol using non-deterministic encryption. (it conviniently also shows all the syntactical constructs of the input language)

dec/2; enc/3
dec(enc(x,y,z),y) = x

A,B know (A,B)
A,B share k
private m; A knows m
A generates nA
B generates nB

A->B: enc(m, k, nA)
B->A: enc((m,m), k, nB)

Note: Function declarations (as in the first line) are optional.

When compiled using narcapi, the following applied pi process is generated.

(* Equational theory *)
fun dec/2.
fun enc/3.
equation dec(enc(x, y, z), y) = x.

(* Protocol *)
let B =
  new nB;
  in(B, x_3);
  if dec(x_3, k) = dec(x_3, k) then    <- Well-formed test (Can B decrypt A's message?)
  out(A, enc((dec(x_3, k), dec(x_3, k)), k, nB)); 0.

let A =
  new nA;
  out(B, enc(m, k, nA));
  in(A, x_4);
  if dec(x_4, k) = (m, m) then    <- Consistency check (Was B able to decrypt and encrypt m?)
  if (m, m) = (m, m) then 0.

  new k;
  new m;
  !(B | A)



Where INPUTPATH is the path/filename of an equational protocol narration and OUTPUTPATH is the path/filename for the resulting applied pi process.

narcapi examples/diffiehellman.epn > examples/diffiehellman.pv

Compiling the source code

Download and install the OCaml compiler for your platform.

An executable can then be compiled using the following command:

ocamlc helper.ml tree.ml parser.mli parser.ml lexer.ml knowledge.ml appliedpi.ml main.ml

Alternatively, the program can be run as a REPL (read-eval-print loop) by starting an OCaml top-level, in a folder containing the source files, using the ocaml command. The .ocamlinit-file will automatically include the required dependancies for the OCaml top-level.

Input syntax

The syntax of equational protocol narrations is defined below as the non-terminal P:

M,N ::= a | A | ( [M[,N]*] ) | f( [M[,N]*] )
E ::= A -> B : M
D ::= A[,B]* know[s] M | A[,B]* share M | A generates n | private M
T ::= M EOL* = EOL* N | f/i
S ::= ; | EOL
P3 ::= E S+ P3 | E
P2 ::= D S+ P2 | D | P3
P1 ::= T S+ P1 | T | P2
P ::= S* [P1 S*] EOF
  • a is a name.
  • A and B are agent names.
  • f is a function symbol.
  • i is an integer.

Note: In the REPL, "EOF" is replaced with "."