Expressjs boiler plate

Expressjs boiler plate using typescript.


  1. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  2. Run in the server watch mode with npm run dev-watch (auto restart on file changes).


  1. Run npm install to install dependencies.
  2. Run npm run build to compile scripts.
  3. Run npm run production to start the server in production mode.

Note the production mode fork process equal to number of your cpu thread.

Enable linting

ESLint configuration is included and extended eslint-config-airbnb-typescript-prettier. To enable linting in vscode please install ESLint and Prettier plugins in extenstion tab. After installation ESLint will ask for permission to run from node_modules. Press allow to finish the setup.

Debugging (VSCode only)

  1. Ctrl + Shift + P then switch Debug: toggle auto attach to on.
  2. Start server by npm run dev or npm run dev-watch (debugging is not enable in production mode).
  3. Add some breakpoints.
  4. Debugger will auto attached to node process.
  5. Enjoy debugging!