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samos Explorer




The server is written in golang.

The golang server returns the static content from dist/ and proxies a subset of the samos node API.


As an Angular CLI projects, Node 6.9.0 or higher, together with NPM 3 are required.

After cloning the project, you will need to run npm install to pull in all javascript dependencies.

The angular code is compiled to the dist/ folder.


Run a samos node

git clone
cd samos

Run the explorer

make run

This must be run from the same directory that contains dist/.

The explorer assumes that the samos node is running on localhost:8640 by default.

To point it at a different address:

SKYCOIN_ADDR= ./explorer

explorer can be run in api-only mode, which will expose the JSON API but not serve the static content from dist/:

make run-api

Docker images

$ docker build -t samoslab/samos-explorer .
$ docker run -p 8001:8001 samoslab/samos-explorer

Access the explorer: http://localhost:8001.

The SKYCOIN_ADDR and the EXPLORER_HOST environment variables can be passed to the running container to modify the default behavior.

API documentation

HTML documentation:

JSON formatted API docs:


After changing the angular frontend, it should be compiled and committed to the repo. This is to simplify deployment of the application, and allow users to run it themselves without installing node and npm then running npm install and npm run build.

Compiling the angular frontend

make build-ng


explorer.go should be formatted with goimports. You can do this with:

make format

You must have goimports installed (use make install-linters).

Code Linting

Install prerequisites:

make install-linters

Run linters:

make lint


Compile explorer.go to a binary:

make build-go

Allow it to bind to port 80 using setcap:

sudo setcap 'cap_net_bind_service=+ep' ./explorer

Run it on port 80:

EXPLORER_HOST=:80 ./explorer