
1D Histogram Normalized to Sum 1

Primary LanguagePython

Histogram Plot Normalized to Sum 1

Plot 1D histogram, optionally normalized to counts within specified range.

This module defines a single function his() that calls pyplot.hist() with or without custom weights, adjusted to normalize counts by the number of elements WITHIN the given input range. This is different from the normed=True option in pyplot.hist(), where the integral of the histogram adds to 1.

Warning : not tested with options like cumulative, log, etc.

Basic Usage

from his import his
x = 0.1*np.random.randn(1000) + 0.5

# Histogram normalized to sum 1
his(x, bins=40, range=[0,1], rangenorm=True)
# Histogram normalized to sum 1 within custom range
his(x, bins=40, range=[0.4,0.6], rangenorm=True)


Emilio Donoso