
This is a test scratch project for experimenting with Jetpack Compose Ui and attempt to create a handy reusable Ui architecture for making Android Apps

Primary LanguageKotlin

The purpose

Jepack Compose enable us to make a handy reusable UI code. This project is an attempt to make a reusable UI architecture for Android using Jetpack Compose. Let's try to merge Compose functions and unidirectional-data-flow architecture.

The idea

Main idea is to enable each UI component have its own state and logic and the ability to communicate with other components. Plus, we want to compose our UI components in a declarative way.

The architecture

The architecture is based on the unidirectional-data-flow. From UI layer we send events to the Presenter layer. From the Presenter layer we send states to the UI layer. Each UI component can add another UI component and their presenters will act as plugins. For unidirectional data flow we use Flow from Kotlin coroutines. For better project structure we use Dagger for dependency injection.

The example

class RedAndBlueBoxesUI @Inject constructor(
	presenter: RedAndBlueBoxesPresenter,
	val c1: RedBoxWithTimerUpUI,
	val c2: BlueBoxWithTimerDownUI,
	val goRedButtonUI: GoRedButtonUI,
	val goBlueButtonUI: GoBlueButtonUI,
	val resetButtonUI: ResetButtonUI
) : Ui(
	c1, c2,
	goRedButtonUI, goBlueButtonUI, resetButtonUI
) {

	override fun RenderSelf(state: Flow<UiState>) {
		val redAndBlueState = state.filterIsInstance<RedAndBlueState>().collectAsState(initial = RedAndBlueState(false))
		val progress = state.filterIsInstance<ProgressState>().collectAsState(initial = ProgressState(-1f))
		Column {
			Row {

			if (redAndBlueState.value.isRow) {
				Row {
			} else {
				Column {
			if (progress.value.progress >= 0) {
				LinearProgressIndicator(progress = progress.value.progress)