
Simple little project that reproduce proguard error when importing a 3rd party library that have explicit rule to keep some other dependencies

Primary LanguageJava


Simple little project that reproduce proguard error when importing a 3rd party library that have explicit rule to keep some other dependencies

Trying to investigate the issue with module-info.class error https://community.guardsquare.com/t/cant-compile-android-jackson-duplicate-module-info-class/596/9

What is this error?

> java.io.IOException: Can't write [/home/s/develop/projects/proguardjacksonbug/app/build/intermediates/shrunk_jar/release/minified.jar] (Can't read [/home/s/.gradle/caches/transforms-3/35c01c5e85c40499062c3cbb1975ab06/transformed/jetified-jackson-databind-2.12.1.jar(;;;;;;;;**.class)] (Duplicate jar entry [module-info.class]))

What is the reason?

Some of your dependencies have module-info.class in them.

Normally proguard skip them. But if you wrongly write -keep rule that is too broad and keeps all package members then proguard will try to merge those module-info.class files into output jar and fail.

But what if my keep rules are correct?

Then you need to investigate the resulting proguard rules that all your dependencies attached with them.

You can do it by placing

-printconfiguration fullconfig.pro

in your proguard-rules.pro.