
This is a minimal compose layout to reproduce the bug

Primary LanguageKotlin

Reproducing Text Rendering Bug in Compose 1.6.0-alpha03

Bug has been fixed

You can check it in a snapshot version: https://github.com/samoylenkodmitry/reproduce_compose_text_bug_1.6.0-alpha03/tree/snapshot_version


This article presents a concise layout that reproduces a bug within the Compose framework version 1.6.0-alpha03. The bug is related to rendering text elements within a complex layout structure. Links to the relevant bug reports are provided for further investigation.

Bug Description

When attempting to render text elements within a Compose layout that involves nested structures such as Box and LazyList, an exception is thrown, leading to a fatal crash. The exception message indicates a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException with the error message "no paragraph".

Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: no paragraph
       at androidx.compose.foundation.text.modifiers.TextStringSimpleNode.draw(TextStringSimpleNode.kt:391)
       at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNodeDrawScope.drawDirect-x_KDEd0$ui_release(LayoutNodeDrawScope.kt:105)
       at androidx.compose.ui.node.LayoutNodeDrawScope.draw-x_KDEd0$ui_release(LayoutNodeDrawScope.kt:86)

Links to Bug Reports

For additional context and information, refer to the following bug reports:

Reproduction Steps

To recreate the problematic scenario, follow these steps:

  1. Implement a Composable function named Greeting as demonstrated below.
  2. Within the Greeting function, define the number of items to display using itemsCount and create a LazyListState instance named state.
  3. Utilize LaunchedEffect to adjust the itemsCount with a slight delay, thereby simulating scrolling and recomposition actions.
  4. Use a second LaunchedEffect to trigger an animated scroll to the updated itemsCount.
  5. Create an array of sample text strings to display.
  6. Construct a LazyColumn with the defined state and iterate over itemsCount.
  7. For each item, encapsulate a Text element within a Box.
fun Greeting() {
    var itemsCount by remember { mutableIntStateOf(100) }
    val state = rememberLazyListState()
    LaunchedEffect(itemsCount) {
        itemsCount = 100 + (itemsCount + 1) % 200
    LaunchedEffect(itemsCount) {
    val texts = arrayOf("Hello", "World", "!")
    LazyColumn(state = state) {
        items(itemsCount) {
            Box {
                    text = texts.random()


The provided layout, utilizing the Compose framework version 1.6.0-alpha03, exposes a bug that causes the rendering of text elements to fail when placed within a Box and LazyList combination. By following the reproduction steps, developers can observe the issue and refer to the linked bug reports for further updates and resolutions from the Compose team.