Rebecca is a dark emacs theme with purple/violet colors.
Works best with this soundtrack and Liam Wong's photos as background.
on tmux in iterm2 with emacs patched for 24bit colors, vimpowerline
With Spacemacs
Rebecca is now included in spacemacs' theme-megapack.
To set it as default just add it to the top of themes preference on your ~/.spacemacs file:
dotspacemacs-themes '(
Or activate it using the theme switcher:
SPC T s rebecca [RET]
M-x package-install [RET] rebecca-theme [RET]
M-x load-theme [RET] rebecca [RET]
put rebecca-theme.el in either the custom-theme-directory or load-path.
You can apply the theme via M-x customize-themes, or make it the default by adding the following to your Emacs configuration:
(load-theme #'rebecca t)
The Rebecca color scheme has been ported to iterm2
and many other terminals.
Also, some base16-rebecca iterm colors can be found here
For getting the best experience on terminal, I'd recommend to use an emacs patched with 24bit color support.
Instructions for getting emacs with 24bit colors can be found here