- 7
Looking for maintainers
#212 opened by sampart - 8
Archive repo
#223 opened by olorton - 3
- 2
- 1
Symfony 5 support
#224 opened by bhaktaraz - 0
Less results than expected on each page
#221 opened by clem983 - 0
Allowed memory size
#213 opened by nfouka - 2
Not working with Symfony 4.1 beta 2
#195 opened by DavG - 0
Romanian translation does not work
#210 opened by johnutzm - 11
How to serialize the Pagerfanta instance
#165 opened by slince - 4
Create a recipe so that the bundle can be automatically set up by Symfony Flex
#198 opened by sampart - 0
- 4
Pagerfanta ArrayAdapter ; add text in view
#204 opened by nfouka - 4
Pagination inside an embedded Controller
#186 opened by amirkoklan - 1
How to paginate list with form elements?
#202 opened by Aaarrrgggh - 3
Unknown "pagerfanta" function. in symfony 4.1
#201 opened by cezar62882 - 1
Not added to bundles.php in Symfony 4 - getting Unknown “pagerfanta” function
#197 opened by charlesastwood - 4
Incorrect translate "previous"
#188 opened by SkyAgency - 1
- 10
Remove tests from autoloading
#185 opened by SpacePossum - 2
Call from PHP templates?
#187 opened by biji - 2
Error with MySQL5.7
#184 opened by Garfield-fr - 1
pls Add `twitter_bootstrap4_translated` service
#180 opened by devgogo - 0
Document custom Twig template better
#179 opened by sampart - 1
Repository description incorrect
#177 opened by rpkamp - 5
- 4
- 1
Documentation - simple usage
#170 opened by SecondeJK - 0
Build failing on Travis
#166 opened by sampart - 1
How do I get two paginated lists within the same page?
#161 opened by mario6097 - 3
How to '' guess '' page number
#162 opened by marvin-SL - 4
Add Bootstrap 4 view
#126 opened - 1
installing on symfony3
#149 opened by bogdaniel - 6
Exception thrown if page is greater than the count of the items in pagerfanta_page_url
#146 opened by ste93cry - 1
Unable to generate a URL for the named route “”
#145 opened by vicmar - 1
- 12
Pagerfanta generate route empty for 1st page
#134 opened by pmithrandir - 0
- 2
- 3
Single id is not allowed on composite primary key
#125 opened by antonioperic - 4
- 2
Pagerfanta - Symfony 3.0 / Can't install
#133 opened by kironet - 2
Pagerfanta for Symfony 3.0
#129 opened by kironet - 9
- 2
Duplicate content
#107 opened by rlavolee - 1
Previous and Next messages with Bootstrap 3 view
#117 opened by gjuric - 3
new stable tag?
#124 opened by acasademont - 0
Missing translation for Bootstrap3 template
#116 opened by oldskool - 6
- 1
Check dependencies please, since version 1.0.1 bundle requires at least 1.0.1 version of Pagerfanata library because of TwitterBootstrap3View
#100 opened by stavichenko