
Personal configuration of Neovim editor on Manjaro Linux

Primary LanguageVim script


In order to use neovim editor on your environment, consider first to install it:

$ sudo pacman -Sy neovim python-pynvim

MacOS and Windows installation instructions here

If you are on Linux, clone this repo inside ~/.config folder;

git clone https://github.com/sampixel/nvim

Enter in neovim and run the following command;



Here i explain what each file/folder contain/does:

init.vim is the file that neovim loads every time you run it. Inside this file are located all the initialization file, such as mappings.vim, settings.vim, utility.vim ... Take a look at those.

plugins.vim is the file where are plugged all external plugins such as:

/autoload is the folder where the plugins are located when running :PlugInstall.