
A simple ghost theme

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT


This theme is based off from the excellent work by https://github.com/karloespiritu/Bastard. Please check that out for a more badass look!

Bastard Theme for Ghost

Ghost version Node version

A free boilerplate responsive theme for Ghost blogging platform.

Bastard theme was built using Bootstrap 3, SASS, Font Awesome, Bower, and Gulp. Gulp is used to automate tasks for compiling and minifying the theme components and Bower to manage package dependencies. You can use the theme as is, or customize it by editing the bastard.js and /assets/sass/*.scss files.



I'm using this theme for my personal site, karloespiritu.com


You can download the theme here: http://karloespiritu.github.io/Bastard

Theme Features

  • Clean and well-documented code
  • Developed using Bootstrap 3.3, SASS, Font Awesome, Gulp, and Bower
  • Organized CSS3 stylesheets using SASS
  • Fully responsive layout
  • Full bleed cover images for posts
  • Retina display ready, looks great on any device or resolution
  • Full screen cover page with parallax effect
  • Syntax highlighting using HighlightJs
  • One file css/js for performance optimization
  • Automatic linting, compiling, and minification of SCSS and JS files using Gulp
  • Automatic image file size optimization using IMGMin and SVGMin
  • Easily update theme dependencies using Bower package manager
  • Google Analytics integrated
  • Includes FitVids.Js for fluid video embeds
  • It's free:)

Using Bastard Theme

  1. Copy the theme folder inside /content/themes of Ghost.
  2. Restart Ghost and then go to Ghost's Settings (http://your.domain.com/ghost/settings/general/). Choose "Bastard" from the theme dropdown menu and save your changes.
  3. Optionally, you can update the background cover with your own image to replace the default cover image.
  4. Have fun :)

Customising Bastard Theme

Bastard theme uses Gulp to lint, compile, and concatenate the javascript and SASS components. Customize the theme by editing the assets/js/bastard.js and sass/* files. Run gulp to compile your changes or use the gulp watch while you build your own theme.

  1. Make sure you have Node.js, Bower and Gulp installed on your system.
  2. Copy theme folder to Ghost themes directory /content/themes. Open your terminal and make the theme's folder your current working directory.
  3. Run bower install to install package dependencies.
  4. Run npm install to install Gulp components.
  5. Restart Ghost and switch the theme to use Bastard in the Ghost's Settings.
  6. Make your changes by updating /sass/*, /assets/*, and *.hbs files of the theme.
  7. Run gulp watch to start watching for file changes or run gulp to build your latest changes.
  8. If you have new images for the theme, just place them inside image_sources folder and Gulp will handle the optimisation automatically and store the optimised version inside assets/images/.
  9. Update the social media icon links by updating partials/social.hbs.
  10. Update gravatar by updating URL in partials/gravatar.hbs.

Resources & Dependencies

To Get in Touch

To get in touch, you can drop me an email or find me on Twitter.


MIT License


Karlo Espiritu