
Description temporary unavailable

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


flasklite is meant to provide a simple and clean project structure for Flask projects.

How to Run flasklite

  1. Clone repository: git clone https://www.github.com/sampson-q/flasklite
  2. Change into the cloned directory
  3. Run setup.py: python setup.py install
  4. run flasklite (with options)
Usage: flasklite [options]
example: flasklite -p projectname || flasklite --help

options:             description:
-h, --help           display help of this command
-p [projectname]     creates a new project
projectname          name of your Flask project

Structure flasklite Intend to Create

  +---> projectnameApp\
  |   |
  |   +---> static\
  |   |
  |   +---> templates\
  |   |    |
  |   |    +---> base.html
  |   |
  |   +---> __init__.py
  |   |
  |   +---> auth.py
  |   |
  |   +---> views.py
  +---> main.py

Requirements to Use flasklite

  1. Python 3 (must be added to path)
  2. Flask
  3. Flask-Login
  4. pip
  5. Written for windows

Inside of flasklite.py

# Author: Hash 👽

import os, subprocess, sys, secrets

pythonVersion = subprocess.check_output("python --version", shell=True, universal_newlines=True)
pipList = subprocess.check_output("pip install Flask", shell=True, universal_newlines=True)

def displayError():
    print('\nUsage: flasklite [options]\n\noptions:\t\tdescription\n-h, --help\t\tdisplay help of this command\n-p\t\t\tcreates a new project: flasklite -p projectname')
    print('\nNote:\tThis command aims at creating a simple structure for your Flask project.\n\tLog your challenges at https://www.github.com/sampson-q/flasklite/issues.\n\tFor further information about Flask, read the documentation on Flask at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/')

if pythonVersion[:10] != 'Python was':
    # print('Python installed. Check for Flask')
    if pipList[:30] != 'Requirement already satisfied:':
        print('Flask not installed. Try running \'pip install Flask\' to download Flask')
    elif pipList[:4] == '\'pip\'':
        print('pip is not recognized in your system. Try adding it to your environment variables')
            if sys.argv[1] == '-h' or sys.argv[1] == '--help' or sys.argv[1] != '-p':
                if sys.argv[1] == '-p' and sys.argv[2] != '':
                    cd = os.getcwd() + '\\' + sys.argv[2]

                    # create the project with the main.py file
                    createMainPY = 'type nul > {}\\main.py'.format(cd)
                    with open(cd + '\\main.py', 'w') as writeMainPY:
                        writeMainPY.write('from {}App import create_app\n\napp = create_app()\n\nif __name__ == \'__main__\':\n\tapp.run(debug=True)'.format(sys.argv[2]))

                    cd += '\\{}App'.format(sys.argv[2])

                    # create the static folder
                    os.mkdir(cd + '\\static')

                    # create the templates folder with base.html file
                    os.mkdir(cd + '\\templates')
                    with open(cd + '\\templates\\base.html', 'w') as writeBaseHTML:
                        writeBaseHTML.write('<h1>Your website, {} is live now. You made it! Edit this template file to suit your desire</h1>'.format(sys.argv[2]))

                    # create the __init__ file
                    with open(cd + '\\__init__.py', 'w') as writeInitPY:
                        writeInitPY.write('from flask import Flask\n\ndef create_app():\n\tapp = Flask(__name__)\n\tapp.config[\'SECRET_KEY\'] = \'{}\'\n\n\tfrom .views import views\n\tfrom .auth import auth\n\n\tapp.register_blueprint(views, url_prefix=\'/\')\n\tapp.register_blueprint(auth, url_prefix=\'/\')\n\n\treturn app'.format(secrets.token_hex(32)))

                    # create the auth file
                    with open(cd + '\\auth.py', 'w') as writeAuthPY:
                        writeAuthPY.write('from flask import Blueprint\n\nauth = Blueprint(\'auth\', __name__)\n\n# create your routes here.\n\n# @auth.route(\'/login\')\n# def login():\n#\treturn "<p>Login here</p>"')

                    # create the models file

                    # create the vies file
                    with open(cd + '\\views.py', 'w') as writeViewsPY:
                        writeViewsPY.write('from flask import Blueprint, render_template\n\nviews = Blueprint(\'views\', __name__)\n\n@views.route(\'/\')\ndef home():\n\treturn render_template(\'base.html\')')

                    print('{} project created successfully. \nNote:\tThis command aims at creating a simple structure for your Flask project.\n\tLog your challenges at https://www.github.com/sampson-q/flasklite/issues.\n\tFor further information about Flask, read the documentation on Flask at https://flask.palletsprojects.com/'.format(sys.argv[2]) + '\n')

        except IndexError as e:
    print('Python not installed. Get latest version at https://www.python.org/downloads/ to be able to run this script. Enable path during installation')

Compile flasklite.py

Packages Used (for compilation):

  1. pyinstaller

Packages used (in code):

  1. os
  2. subprocess
  3. sys
  4. secrets