
Monitor prices on Play.com

Primary LanguageShell


Monitor prices on Play.com.

Emails a notification if a given product's price drops below a set limit.


  1. Setup postfix. (You can check if postfix is working by mailing something to yourself: echo -en "Subject: Love Letter\n\nYou're awesome! Cheers, a secret admirer :-)" | sendmail -f you@example.org you@example.org.)
  2. Put your URLs and price limits of interesting products to playcom.list.
  3. Change the value of YOUR_EMAIL variable in playcom-watcher to your email address.
  4. Run playcom-watcher.

Running playcom-watcher regularly

Use cron or launchd.

Linux / cron

  1. crontab -e.
  2. Add line: @hourly ~/bin/playcom-funtimes/playcom-watcher.
  3. Now playcom-watcher runs hourly.

Mac OS X / launchd

  1. Copy fi.viiksipojat.playcom-watcher.plist into ~/Library/LaunchAgents/.
  2. Modify ProgramArguments path in plist to point where you installed playcom-watcher. Note that you can't use ~.
  3. Add to launchd: launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/fi.viiksipojat.playcom-watcher.plist (or reboot).
  4. Now playcom-watcher runs hourly. Start manually anytime: launchctl start fi.viiksipojat.playcom-watcher.


This project borrows heavily from muumi-dl by the ever so great SAMPUMON!