
MERN ecommerce site

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Table of Contents

Core Features | API Design | Database Schemas | Limited and Protected Resources |

Core Features

  • Streamlined Customer Checkout Flow w/ Custom Cart System
  • Secure Payment Methods via PayPal and Stripe Integration
  • User / Admin Roles to Limit and Protect Access to Sensitive Endpoints



API Design

Resource Route HTTP Verbs Acess Level
Users api/users GET, POST Admin, All
api/users/login POST All
api/users/profile GET, PUT Protected (2)
api/users/:id GET, PUT, DELETE Protected (3)
Products api/products GET, POST All, Protected & Admin
api/products/top GET All
api/products/:id GET, PUT, DELETE All, Protect & Admin (2)
api/products/:id/reviews POST, PUT, DELETE Protected (3)
Orders api/orders GET, POST Protected, Protected & Admin
api/orders/myorders GET Protected
api/orders/:orderId GET Protected
api/orders/:orderId/pay PUT Protected
api/orders/:orderId/shipping PUT Protected & Admin

Database Schemas

Table Column Data Type
Users id Object Id
isAdmin Boolean
name String
email String
password String
created_at Timestamp
updated_at Timestamp
Products id Object Id
User Object Id
name String
image String
brand String
category String
description String
reviews [ Object Id ]
price Number
number_in_stock Number
Reviews name String
rating Number
comment String
User Object Id
Orders id Object Id
User Object Id
order_total Number
tax_price Number
shipping_price Number
total_price Number
is_paid Boolean
is_delivered Boolean
order_items { Product,
quantity: Number }
shipping_address { address: String,
city: String,
postal_code: String,
country: String }
payment_method String
payment_result { id: Object Id,
status: String,
update_time: timestamp,
email: String }
delivered_at Timestamp
paid_at Timestamp

Limited And Protected Resources

Users register with a name, email, and password. Passwords are salted and encrypted using bcrypt before being saved in the Mongo Atlas database. When users login, login data is compared and on success, a token is generated and sent to the user. On every proceeding request, the user sends the token, and the requests are validated by middleware. The middleware decodes the token and the user's authorization roles are fetched allowing them to access (role) protected routes.