Fetch Rewards Frontend Take-Home Exercise


This application was built using React, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. A few unit tests were written with React Testing Library with Jest as the test runner, and Cypress.io was used to perform a single integration test. The application was deployed on Vercel. https://fetch-frontend-exercise.vercel.app/


NPM, Git, Node.



Navigate to a directory you want to work with this repo in.

git clone https://github.com/samqchau/fetch-frontend-exercise.git

Install Dependencies

npm install

DEV Envrionment

npm start

This will run the application on localhost:3000


npm run build

React Testing Library

npm test

This command will run the React Testing Library tests.


npm run cypress:dev

This command will run the Cypress integration tests. Please wait a moment for the dev server to boot up before running the Cypress test. It should only take half a minute.

ESLint & Prettier

npm run format

ESLint & Prettier will format code


  • Some form of CI/CD probably through GitHub Actions
  • Probably over complicated simple tasks, could've used a state management library instead (Redux / Context API).
  • Definitely would refactor some parts of the code
  • Could have split code differently. Files could get lost in directories. An alternative would have been to keep all related files near each other.
  • Stronger client-side form validation
  • Password visibility toggle
  • Tailwind and react-select library style conflicts. If I had more time I would resolve this difference.
  • ESLint & Prettier should be ran on another machine or another process rather than on blocking dev time