
Data files and questions can be downloaded here

MySQL Version

This take-home test was developed and tested using MySQL version 5.7.24.



Q1-ERD.ipynb: This file performs pre-checks on the data, determines cardinality between tables, and finally displays the ERD.


Before running the files:

  • Log in to the MySQL server as the root user and create a new user with basic SELECT permissions,
  • Create a database called 'wisr'.

Run Q2-create-schema.sql first: This file creates table schemas and defines constraints such as primary keys, foreign keys, and CHECK constraints. It also loads data into the titles and employees tables, then sets emp_no to AUTO INCREMENT starting from MAX(emp_no) + 1.

Next, run Q2-load-data.sql to load CSV data into the remaining tables.


Log in to the MySQL server using the credentials of the newly created user with SELECT permissions.

Run Q3-queries.sql to execute all the queries.