Jenkins as immutable infrastructure made easy. A repository of shared scripts meant to be used as a git submodule. Packing Jenkins, plugins, and scripts into immutable packages and images.
- aadamovichExtreme Automation
- bodschTallence AG
- clintonsteiner
- Constantin07BJSS
- dalmosantosSão Paulo - State of São Paulo, Brazil
- dcbitmanNew Orleans, La
- eemailme
- FernandoMiguelLondon, UK / Porto, Portugal
- FrankJian
- jhcloos
- landscape82MongoDB
- lelandsindttouchnetTouchNet
- lemeurherveCloudBees
- maximba
- MeshOpsMesh Ops Tech
- oovs
- samrocketmanRaleigh, NC
- stalafuse
- sumanth82
- sureshsivanTampa, Florida
- wolfman-rackRackspace
- zloeberSPR