
This repository contains raw original sounds of endless sky.

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Raw Sounds of Endless Sky

This repository contains raw uncompressed music for the plugin [sounds of endless sky][1].

Music by Anthrophantasmus

Licensed CC-BY-4.0. See copyright for licensing.

Other profiles:

Music by Thorne11

Licensed CC-BY-4.0. See copyright for licensing.

Other profiles:

Audio conversion

Endless Sky is extremely specific about how it supports audio. Currently, only WAV for sound effects and MP3 for music is supported.

Encoding sound effects

Sound effects are in WAV format. Specifically, little-endian 16-bit PCM at 44100 Hz.

Here's an ffmpeg command to get sounds into an appropriate format.

ffmpeg -i original.wav -ac 1 -f wav -c pcm_s16le -ab 705k -ar 44100 sounds/effect.wav

Encoding music

MP3 specifically requires stereo format (2-channel) bit rate 179kb/s at 44100 Hz.

ffmpeg -i original.wav -f mp3 -ar 44100 -ab 179k -ac 2 sounds/music.mp3