
GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Tutorials on modern software concepts


Focus Topic Prerequisites Sub-Topics Approach
Language Understanding Programming Language Basics None Datatypes, Datastructures, Language Idioms Theory
Language Understanding C# Defaults None Type Defaults Of C# Practical
Language Understanding C# Language Idioms None Linq Practical
Version Control Using version control None Using git and git frontends, branching strategy Hybrid
Test Driven Development Types Of Testing None Testing Pyramid and Anti Patterns, Code Confidence Hybrid
Test Driven Development Test Suites None Testing Hybrid
Coding Driving Algorithms With TDD None Inside-Out TDD, Roman Numeral Kata, Guided Learning To Roman Numeral, Supported Learning From Roman Numeral Practical
Language Understanding Passing By Value and Reference None Passing By Value, Passing By Reference Hybrid
Language Understanding Stack and Heap Memory None Types Of Memory Used By Languages Theory
Design Fundamentals Design Patterns None Factory, Builder, Decorator, Command, Memento, Deep/ Shallow Cloning Hybrid
Design Fundamentals Code Smells None Hybrid
Coding Architectural Design Patterns None MVP, MVVM Hybrid
Design Fundamentals Designing Object Oriented Code Passing By Value and Reference UML, SOLID, DRY, Clean Code Theory
Design Fundamentals Designing Testable Code Designing Object Oriented Code Aggregation, Composition, Coupling, Test Doubles Theory
Coding Design With TDD Design Fundamentals Outside-In TDD, Bank Kata, Mars Rover Kata Practical
Design Fundamentals Frontend Archiecture Patterns None Event Subscriber - Publisher Model, Mediator Theory
Coding MVVM Front End Development With TDD Design With TDD, Roman Numeral Kata Frontend Roman Numeral Kata Practical
Databases Types of databases None Relational and Non-Relation Databases Hybrid
Our Role Structuring Code None Domain Driven Development, Interaction Driven Development Theory
Our Role Project Planning None Waterfall, Agile, Kanban, XP Hybrid
Our Role Agile Cermonies None Backlog meetings, sprint planning Hybrid