- andrewbullochScotland
- bozekn
- Coool🇪🇺
- derheld
- drz01Auckland
- eemailme
- EntropyTangoU.K.
- eriksfTexas Advanced Computing Center
- everythingness
- ganeshkbhatInviting projects currently
- gowsianyRzeszów, Poland
- gypsymao
- izelnakriRuby, JavaScript, TS, elixir, rust, k8s, lua, nix, pkl, android
- jaquesleroux
- liberodark
- lloydwoodhamImperial College London
- mikedemarais@rainbow-me
- nalim
- OpenSourceIronmanOut of the Box Astronautics LLC
- operade
- PadavanTurkiye
- samschottMunich
- spinhead
- stigkj@finn-no
- techman83@PawsForLife
- trycatcher
- TurkerTunaliLogedosoft Business Solutions
- uslacker99