a simple javascript library to draw PayPal Logo on a given canvas.
$ bower install paypal-logo-canvas
// include the library in any browswer enviroment.
// - AMD or
// - CommonJS or
// - just a simple global.
// call the draw function on the exposed object
// and supply a canvasElement and size of the
// PayPal logo to draw.
// assuming a canvas element with ID 'paypal-logo'
// exists in the DOM, the below code draws the PayPal
// logo of size 200px onto that canvas.
var canvasEl = document.getElementById('paypal-logo');
PayPalLogoCanvas.draw(canvasEl, 200);
- jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/samsel/unqrods8/3/
- html: https://github.com/samsel/paypal-logo-canvas/blob/master/example/index.html