Sepharad is built on top of dependo ( The reason Sepharad was built was to overcome the limitation of dependo, which is that; the source code must be in the local file system to generate dependencies. Sepharad overcomes that limitation by enabling visualization of JS dependencies from source code located in remote Github.
$ npm install dependo
var sepharad = require("sepharad");
// the below code generates a visualization report file
// called report.html of kraken-js project's Javascript
// files' dependencies present in the "lib/" folder
// directly from github.
url : "",
path: "lib/",
format: "cjs",
exclude: "^node_modules",
output: "report.html"
"url" : <github url for the source>, (required)
"branch" : <branch>, (optional and defaults to master)
"path" : <file/dir in the source code from where dependencies need to be visualized>, (required)
"format" : <format to parse (amd or cjs)>, (required)
"exclude" : <a regular expression for excluding files>, (optional and default is none)
"output" : <file to save the generated dependency output html> (required)
- write tests - mocha
- make sephard independent of dependo
- add a CLI feature for sepharad
- grunt task for sephard