
research revolving the windows filtering platform callout mechanism

Primary LanguageC++


short research revolving the windows filtering platform callout mechanism

TL;DR - the provided sources

WFPEnumUM and WFPEnumDriver can be used to enumerate all registered callouts on the system (including their actual addresses, to use just load the driver and run the client) WFPCalloutDriver is a PoC callout driver (mainly used it for debugging but you can have a look to see the registration process)

the last section of the readme suggests some general ideas for taking it a step further and manipulating / silencing callouts

quick overview of the windows filtering platform

if it's the first time you hear about WFP , I highly recommend you read https://scorpiosoftware.net/2022/12/25/introduction-to-the-windows-filtering-platform/

so , the windows filtering platform (WFP) is a framework designated for host-based network traffic filtering , replacing the older NDIS and TDI filtering capabilities

WFP exposes both UM and KM apis , offering the ability to block , permit or aduit network traffic based on conditions or deep packet inspection (through callouts)

as you might have guessed , WFP can be (and is) used by the windows firewall, network filters of security software and even rootkits.

layers, sublayers , filters and shims

layers are used to categorize the network traffic to be evaluated , there are roughly a hundred layers (each is identified by a GUID) where filters and callouts can be attached and each represents a location the network processing path of a potential packet (for example you can attach on FWPM_LAYER_INBOUND_TRANSPORT_V4 which is located in the receive path just after a received packet's transport header has been parsed by the network stack at the transport layer, but before any transport layer processing takes place)

next we have filters , which are made up from conditions (source port , ip , application etc) and action (permit, block, callout unknown, callout terminating and callout inspection)

when the action is a callout the filter engine will call the callout classify function whenever the filter conditions match. a callout can return permit , block or continue (meaning the filter should be 'ignored') , if the action is callout terminating the callout should only return permit or block , if the action is callout inspection it should only return continue, lastly callout unknown means the callout might terminate or not based on the result of the classification.

a sublayer is essentially a way to logically group filters (say you filter TCP traffic , and want to have different filters for ports hight than 1000 and lower than 1000 , you can create two sublayers) , hopfully it'll be more clear in the next section

lastly we have the shims , a kernel component which is responsible for starting the classification -> applying the correct filters, potentially callouts to , at the end , make a decision regarding allowing / blocking the packet , the shim is called by the tcpip driver when a packet arrives at the network stack (of course , for each layer it goes through) , as indicated by the following callstack


Weight , Filter Arbitration and Policy

filter arbitration is the logic built into the WFP that is used to define how filters work with each other when making network filtering decisions

surely , as part of filter arbitration some ordering needs to be applied when assesing filters - that's where weight comes into play. each filter has an assocciated weight which defines it's priority within the sublayer , each sublayer has it's own assocciated weight value to define it's priority within the layer

network traffic traverses sublayers from the one with the hightest weight (priority) to the lowest , the final decision is made after all sublayers have been evaluated , allowing a mulitple matching capability.

within a subalyer , filter arbitration computes the list of matching filters ordered by weight and evaluates them in order until a filter returns permit or block (lower priority filter that havent been evaluated will be skipped ) or until the list is exausted.

as mentioned , within a layer all sublayers are evaluated even if higher priority sublayer has decided to block / permit the traffic , the final decision is based on a well defined policy

the basic policy is :

  • actions are evaluated from high priotiy sublayer to lower priority sublayers
  • a block decision overrides a permit decision
  • a block decision is final , packet is discarded

Enumerating Callouts

the more complex and interesting network filtering and inspection logic is implemented through callouts , enumerating registered callouts (and their actual addresses) can be useful for anyone with the intention of silencing or manipulating them , or , for debugging purposes in case you are a WFP driver developer. so where do we start ?

a driver registers a callout with the filter engine using FwpsCalloutRegister , passing a structure that describes the callout to be registered

typedef struct FWPS_CALLOUT0_ {
  GUID                                calloutKey;
  UINT32                              flags;
  FWPS_CALLOUT_CLASSIFY_FN0           classifyFn;
  FWPS_CALLOUT_NOTIFY_FN0             notifyFn;

the classify function is where the actual filtering logic is present , notify function is called when a filter that references the callout is added or removed . one more thing to note is a flag called FWP_CALLOUT_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_ON_FLOW , as MSDN says : "A callout driver can specify this flag when registering a callout that will be added at a layer that supports data flows. If this flag is specified, the filter engine calls the callout driver's classifyFn0 callout function only if there is a context associated with the data flow. A callout driver associates a context with a data flow by calling the FwpsFlowAssociateContext0 function."

we will come back to this ...

in addition , a driver has to add the callout to a layer on the system using FwpmCalloutAdd (can also be done from UM)

and create a filter that uses the callout , using FwpmFilterAdd (can also be done from UM)

generally , a callout is registered with a GUID, and identified internally by the filter engine with a corresponding ID

an example callout driver is provided in the sources to demonstrate the registration of a filter that uses a callout

Reversing the callout registration mechanism

as always with callouts (or 'callbacks') mechanisms , the registration function is a good starting point as it's likely at one point or another to interact with how callouts are organised internally , reversing FwpsCalloutRegister you'll end up with the following sequence of calls :

fwpkclnt!FwpsCalloutRegister -> fwpkclnt!FwppCalloutRegister -> NETIO!KfdAddCalloutEntry -> NETIO!FeAddCalloutEntry

reversed code of NETIO!FeAddCalloutEntry is shown below

__int64 __fastcall FeAddCalloutEntry(
        int a1,
        __int64 ClassifyFunction,
        __int64 NotifyFn,
        __int64 FlowDeleteFn,
        int Flags,
        char a6,
        unsigned int CalloutId,
        __int64 DeviceObject)
  __int64 v12; // rcx
  __int64 CalloutEntry; // rdi
  char v14; // bp
  __int64 CalloutEntryPtr; // rbx
  __int64 v16; // rax

  CalloutEntry = WfpAllocateCalloutEntry(CalloutId);
  if ( CalloutEntry )
    goto LABEL_17;
  v14 = 1;
  CalloutEntryPtr = *(_QWORD *)(gWfpGlobal + 0x198) + 0x50i64 * CalloutId;
  if ( !*(_DWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 4) && !*(_DWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 8) )
    if ( !CalloutEntry )
      goto LABEL_7;
    WfpReportError(CalloutEntry, "FeAddCalloutEntry");
    return CalloutEntry;
  v16 = WfpReportSysErrorAsNtStatus(v12, "IsCalloutEntryAvailable", 0x40000000i64, 1i64);
  CalloutEntry = v16;
  if ( v16 )
    WfpReportError(v16, "IsCalloutEntryAvailable");
    goto LABEL_6;
  memset(CalloutEntryPtr, 0i64, 0x50i64);
  *(_DWORD *)CalloutEntryPtr = a1;
  *(_DWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 4) = 1;
  if ( a1 == 3 )
    *(_QWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 40) = ClassifyFunction;
    *(_QWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 16) = ClassifyFunction;
  *(_DWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 48) = Flags;
  *(_BYTE *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 73) = a6;
  *(_QWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 24) = NotifyFn;
  *(_QWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 32) = FlowDeleteFn;
  *(_BYTE *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 72) = 0;
  *(_WORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 74) = 0;
  *(_DWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 76) = 0;
  if ( DeviceObject )
    *(_QWORD *)(CalloutEntryPtr + 64) = DeviceObject;
  if ( !dword_1C007D018 || !(unsigned __int8)tlgKeywordOn(&dword_1C007D018, 2i64) )
    v14 = 0;
  if ( v14 )
    WfpCalloutDiagTraceCalloutAddOrRegister(CalloutId, CalloutEntryPtr);
  return CalloutEntry;

we can see our callout and all required information is stored in memory referenced by ( NETIO!gWfpGlobal + 0x198 ) * (CalloutId + 0x50) , in other words, NETIO!g_WfpGlobal + 0x198 (build specific offset) is an array of callout structures , each of size 0x50 (build specific size) , where at offset 0x10 we can find the ClassifyFunction

messing around with other references to this offset , you'll find a function called NETIO!FeInitCalloutTable FeInitCalloutTable

The default initial size of this memory(gWfpGlobal!0x198) is 0x14000 bytes. every time there is a WFP registration, this value can be expanded/modified as needed -> memory will be re-applied, data copied, and then the original memory will be deleted. in addition , as you can see gWfpGlobal+0x190 is initialized with 1024 , 1024 * 0x50 (entry size) = 0x14000 , meaning g_WfpGlobal+0x190 stores the max callout id in the array / number of entries.


there's an exported function by NETIO that will return the address of gWfpGlobal


by now , we have enough knowledge to :

  • find the address of NETIO!gWfpGlobal (sig scan from UM or FeGetWfpGlobalPtr if you can load a driver)
  • read offsets 0x198 and 0x190 to get the array pointer and the maximum number of entries
  • traverse all entries , the address stored at offset 0x10 from each entry is the classify callout : )

whilst this is certianly an option , and it has actually been actually used in the wild (by Lazarus's FudModule rootkit) , it's not the most reliable approach we can take .


there's a function called GetCalloutEntry in NETIO which is hard to not notice , reversed code below GetCalloutEntry

even better ? there's an undocumented export called NETIO!KfdGetRefCallout which essentially wraps GetCalloutEntry (KfdGetRefCallout -> FeGetRefCallout > GetCalloutEntry) , now , by callout id we can get a pointer to it's corresponding callout entry without relying on the gWfpGlobal offsets : ) KfdGetREF

( note : we have to call NETIO!KfdDeRefCallout for each call )

FwpmCalloutEnum usermode API

putting it all together , we can find all registered callout ids on the system with the FwpmCalloutEnum0 API from usermode

the provided source WFPEnumDriver exposes an IOCTL that gets a callout id , and returns it's corresponding CalloutEntry pointer , ClassifyFunction address and NotifyFunction address

the usermode client WFPEnum leverages that IOCTL for each callout id enumerated by FwpmCalloutEnum and display all information (the addresses , name , layer guid etc...) about each registered callout

running it we get the following output : ) CalloutsOutput

Silencing callouts - some general ideas

so , let's say you want to hide your traffic from an AV / AC product , that uses a WFP network filter to scan traffic on a layer you are using

hooking the callout

Assuming you can load a driver , hooking those callouts can be a solution , prefix your traffic with a certian magic number , in your hook classify callout inspect the data, if it has your magic return continue (which will call the next filters for your packet , if any - skipping the AV / AC one) if it's not just call the original callout

you'd also have to maintain a rundown ref for pending operations to avoid premature unloading ( generally WFP handles it for the registered driver by calling ObRefereneObject on the CalloutEntry->DeviceObject and deref when it's callout returns, IopCheckUnloadDriver wont unload as long as the driver in question has a referenced device object...)

nulling the entry

what if you dont have a driver ? an idea that might come up is nulling the entire callout entry of the target callout you want to avoid. one side effect will be the callout will never be called , which can be suspicious. another (major) side effect may arise if the targeted filter callout action type is anything but callout inspection , quoting MSDN :

  • "A callout and filters that specify the callout for the filter's action can be added to the filter engine before a callout driver registers the callout with the filter engine. In this situation, filters with an action type of FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_TERMINATING or FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_UNKNOWN are treated as FWP_ACTION_BLOCK, and filters with an action type of FWP_ACTION_CALLOUT_INSPECTION are ignored until the callout is registered with the filter engine. "

it's worth noting that a filter can have the FWPM_FILTER_FLAG_PERMIT_IF_CALLOUT_UNREGISTERED flag set , but as long as it does not, and the filter action type is callout terminating or unknown, nulling the entry will be equivalent to returning block from the sublayer ):

so how can we overcome this ? a thoeretical approach would be to manipulte the filter structure in memory and change the action type to callout inspection , making WFP ignore our silenced filter(and callout) , I haven't implemented it but you may find the export NETIO!KfdFindFilterById useful , here's the partly reversed prototype and code :


under the hood , filters are organised in a hash table (gWfpGlobal + 0x180 , build dependent) where the hash index is calculated based on the layer and filter id as shown below



an alternative that can be used as part of a data only attack , have a look at the following :



the default filter engine classify callout will almost always returns permit , thus we can replace the EDR / AV / AC classify callout with it , avoiding the unwanted side effect of nulling a callout terminating / unknown entry and causing legitimate traffic to be blocked , the only side effect with this is traffic that would have been orginially blocked by the AV / EDR will now be permitted , which can be considered acceptable - down to you : )

the address of gFeCallout can be easily found via pattern scanning , adding an offset we have FeDefaultClassifyCallback .

enabling a callout entry flag

remember that 'FWP_CALLOUT_FLAG_CONDITIONAL_ON_FLOW' flag ? you could intentionally flip it (enable it) in the callout entry so any callout without an associated data flow context will be ignored (read more here https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/ddi/fwpsk/ns-fwpsk-fwps_callout0_) this is oviously not fullproof as some callouts might use a data flow context by design , hence will have a data flow context and the callout will still be triggered.