- 1
Failed at the node-proxy@0.6.0 install script 'node-gyp configure build' while installing openbadges-badgekit
#44 opened by JD76 - 2
node 4.1.0 failing build
#43 opened by timmarinin - 2
Compilation fails with Node 4.0.0
#42 opened by JonAbrams - 8
Installing Open Badging ... when running npm install to load dependencies get the following
#40 opened by jbarnamtu - 2
Fails to build under node 0.12.x
#39 opened by natevw - 3
- 2
- 2
- 2
official works - node-proxy does not
#33 opened by aikar - 1
Compiling CXX Error. Need help..
#30 opened by sikancil - 3
Segmentation fault (core dumped) on node v0.6.x
#20 opened by jifeon - 1
On node.js 0.8.0 it builds in Debug instead of Release
#28 opened by dz0ny - 4
- 3
Build fails on CentOS 5.8
#29 opened by davidmurdoch - 13
npm install now -g fails on windows
#19 opened by jhiraygit - 10
- 1
build hangs on arch linux / npm 1.1.0-beta-10
#23 opened by lloyd - 1
`npm WARN package.json` on `npm list`
#22 opened by leomdg - 2
- 7 (version 0.5.2) missing node-proxy.node
#16 opened by jfly - 1
- 9
- 1
Can't Find Node Path
#15 opened - 3
make failed :(
#14 opened by jifeon - 2
Not make-ing on Ubuntu 10.10 Node v0.5.5
#13 opened by KellyLSB - 1
Forgot to delete a .DS_Store file
#11 opened by nalply - 4
build fails on cygwin
#9 opened by vincentcr - 3
failed build
#8 opened by czajah - 13
ev_rt_now is undefined
#6 opened by MarcoPolo - 5
problem with creating handlers
#3 opened by jifeon - 2
- 2
npm install node-proxy failed
#4 opened by xhochn - 1
URLs in package.json are obsolete.
#2 opened by aredridel - 2
String not found
#1 opened by enbug